Friday, November 19, 2010

The Rising Tide 11/19/10: sea birds + more!

Hey all,

This has been an insanely busy week, but we here at the Rising Tide are working to provide you the best in local music programming, as well as the focal point of spotlighting a different independent artist live in the studio each and every week.

For tonight's Artist Spotlight, we'll be hosting SLO's very own Morgan Enos, a solo artist who performs under the monicker sea birds.

Morgan's take on slow-burning electric folk music exemplifies his talents as a promising singer-songwriter, one whose songs have a depth to them that is impossible to write off as deliberately minimalist or simplistic. We're very fortunate to have sea birds grace our studio, and you should tune in this Friday night to hear from the SLO native, as well as hear him play a couple of tune on-air.

Also, there will be plenty more in store on tonight's episode of The Rising Tide! 8:30 to 1030pm tonight on KZSC, 88.1fm or!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Rising Tide Concert Calender + More

Hey all,

I have a message for all of you, but first, I want to let you all know about some awesome local shows happening in town this week.

HERMIT CONVENTION (sc) + THE BROADS (sc) + HEAVEN (C.P. Wilsea) (sc)
@ MetaVinyl Records - Tomorrow night! (11/12)
Show starts at 7pm. FREE

TIME MACHINE MODULUS (sc) + A bunch of bands that I don't really care for
@ The Paul Sweet House - Tomorrow night! (11/12)
Show starts at 8pm. FREE

BIRDHAND (aka Brown Irish) (sc) + THE LUXURY SWEETS (sf) + Some dude from TSOL
@ The Blue Lagoon - Tomorrow night! (11/12)
Show starts at 9pm. 10$?... Might be less at the door? (21+)

@ The Crepe Place - Saturday night! (11/13)
Show starts at 9pm. 8$

TETHERHORSE (sc) + Some singer-songwriters that I don't know
@ The Poet and the Patriot - Saturday night! (11/13)
Show starts at 9pm. FREE (21+)

THE BROADS (sc) + High Places + Some other band
@ The Crepe Place - Monday night! (11/15)
Show starts at 9pm. 10$

@ The Crepe Place - Wednesday night! (11/17)
Show starts at 9pm. 10$

@ The Poet and the Patriot - next Thursday night! (11/18)
Show starts at 9pm. FREE (21+)

GRAND LAKE (oak/sf) + MATADOR (sc) + JEREMY LYON + A jam band
@ The Crepe Place - next Friday night! (11/19)
Show starts at 9pm. 10$

I'm seriously not going to list all the myspace pages for these bands unless you ask.

Now, down to business.

We at The Rising Tide are trying to bring you guys the best in local music and music that happens to be coming through this town. It takes a considerable amount of effort to put on this program, and it seems like every single week we're scrambling together to put a show on for everyone.

I really want this to change. I want to be able to set up guests in advance so that we can promote the goings-on of The Rising Tide before the day of the show. If you are a local band and would like to get on the radio for an intimate performance and interview, or if you know a local band that would love to be on the radio, please for the love of fucking god let us know.

Email us at Please. We want to profile local musicians, but it is really fucking hard to spend the time contacting every single band in (and around) Santa Cruz about appearing on the show. I just think this system is broken; this is a resource that people should be taking advantage of, not something that should be haphazardly thrown together every single week.

I know none of this is going to change no matter how hard I try to get people to cooperate with me, and that sucks. That being said, keep an eye out because at some point this weekend we'll be putting up some of the photos taken at last week's episode of The Rising Tide with the members of FolkYeah! and Grizzle Toe.

- DJ PassiveTheory

Friday, November 5, 2010

TRT 11/5/10 - Toes n' Folk

Hey all,

Sorry for keeping quiet this week. We've been working up to the last minute in trying to put together an awesome show to kick-start the month of November, and I think we've assembled an impressive lineup for tonight!

First off, we'll be hearing from Britt Govea, the man behind FolkYeah! productions. Britt has, in recent years, established his organization as a linchpin in Nor Cal's indie rock, psychedelic rock and (naturally) folk circles.

He's brought the likes of Animal Collective, The Arcade Fire, Beach House, Conor Oberst, The XX, Dirty Projectors and Cat Power to our neck of the woods, and has also featured local artists such as Mountain Animal Hospital and Sleepy Sun. His booking of the Brookdale Lodge has made it a local music hotspot.

Tune in to hear Britt talk about FolkYeah, it's recent run of successful shows in and around the Santa Cruz area, and perhaps some interesting news concerning the Dean Wareheim (Galaxie 500) show at Don Quixote's next Friday night...

Not only that, but The Rising Tide will play host this week to Santa Cruz's very own Grizzel Toe. Born from the ashes of one of SC's most exciting bands, Grizzel Toe re-emerged this summer and garnered enough attention to open for Wavves at the Crepe Place without having any songs made public! (or... at least none on myspace).

Believe the hype.

These Sonic Youth disciples will be coming in to the studio tonight at 8:30 to talk about their new project, where they think their music will take them, and when (if?) we might be able to get any of their recorded material.

Tune in tonight at 8:30 for these and much more on The Rising Tide! You can tune in at 88.1fm if you're in the Central Coast or if you're outside of that range.

- DJ PassiveTheory