Today is an exciting show with our NEW TIME on air, which is 7-8:30 PM on KZSC Santa Cruz 88.1 FM. You can also listen online at :].
We will be welcoming The Love Dimension to the show! The Love Dimension is a San Francisco indie band with an awesome Garage/Punk/Psychedelic sound to them. They are traveling over the hill to play live for all of you listeners and fans, so please tune in tonight to hear them! You should also check out their upcoming show on April 20th at the Stork Club in Oakland, CA if you can.

There will only be two of us from the collective on-air tonight because of many festivities happening throughout California this weekend - one being Coachella. If you were lucky enough to get tickets on time, have fun and be safe!
Enjoy your weekends and do not forget to tune in tonight for more FUN!
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