Just wanted to let you all know about those upcoming shows that were mentioned on air on Friday night (so for the full list of shows, feel free to scroll down to the bottom of this page), but first I wanted to say that last Friday's show was fantastic. Sure, Britt being unable to make the show at the last second was unfortunate, but thanks to local photographer Brian Baumgartner (no, NOT Kevin from The Office... I'm talking about this guy) we managed to capture the magic of having Monsters Are Not Myths play in the studio!
Monsters Are Not Myths - 8/6/10

And yes... I am stupidly holding their newest record (2009's Corporate Grown) backwards like a dumbass. Oh well!
Upcoming Shows:
8/8/10 - Of Melting Moons @ The Catalyst (21+)
8/8/10 - Hey Charles, Red Coyote, etc. @ SubRosa
8/9/10 - Wolf Crystal @ The Blue Lagoon (21+)
8/12/10 - Emily Jane White @ The Crepe Place
8/14/10 - James Rabbit @ SubRosa
8/15/10 - Koalacaust, Team Sport & more @ 314 Ocean st.
8/15/10 - The Groggs @ The Crepe Place
8/19/10 - Joanna Lefever @ The Crepe Place
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