Quick post because I've been catching up on everything this last week, that being said here goes nothing!
Tonight's primary musical entertainment is Wooster.

What can be said about Wooster that hasn't already been said? They are a highly acclaimed soulful rock act that has graced local institutions like The Catalyst while also taking their talents both up and down the coast numerous times over the past few years. And while the year 2010 may be winding down, the band is planning to end the year with a bang, performing a special New Year's Eve show at Moe's Alley. But before that, the band will appear tonight on The Rising Tide to talk about their experiences of being in a band, and what it's like to be one of Santa Cruz's most talked-about bands!
Also gracing the studio with his presence is my friend and fellow blogger, Nick Bane of Bane Shows.
Tune in to KZSC at 8:30 to hear from these and many more on tonight's Rising Tide! 88.1fm or www.kzsc.org
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