It's just about the end of the scholastic quarter at UCSC, and as the leaves turn to brown and eventually hit the ground, most of our collective members are hard at work catching up on the academic travail that they happened to neglect up to this point. Oh well, everybody loves a procrastinator!
That being said, we here at the Rising Tide, as always, are working to provide you the best in local music programming, as well as the focal point of spotlighting a different independent artist live in the studio each and every week. This week we have two such artists.
First off, let me introduce you to The Groggs.

This local garage rock three-piece is slowly becoming an institution in the city of Santa Cruz. If you want to listen to a band whose music feels like a five o'clock shadow repeatedly punching you in the face until you keel ovel, and then makes out with your girl while standing over you... Then this is your band. Echoing recent garage rock revivalists like The Black Lips and Mark Sultan, The Groggs are a band that have made a name for themselves amid a scene as vast and colorful as Santa Cruz's by playing loud and playing fast. They'll join us on The Rising Tide tonight to talk about their recently released EP 3D, to talk about their upcoming shows this month, and play some previously unheard new songs!
Our second guest tonight is a local artist by the name of Getaway Girl.

As Getaway Girl, local singer-songwriter Courtney Jones displays her virtuosity with the piano, crafting gorgeous and captivating songs in the vein of fellow piano-based singer-songwriters like Regina Spektor. Getaway Girl imbues a familiar style of music with a fresh new perspective, using her experiences in the world to break away from the pack and set herself apart from everyone else. Tune in Friday night at 8:30 to hear Getaway Girl perform songs from her new EP, Say It Through The Flowers, and to hear about her upcoming performance next Friday night at the Asana Tea House in downtown Santa Cruz.
These and more if you tune in to 88.1fm or go online to tonight around 8:30 and listen to The Rising Tide on KZSC Santa Cruz!
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