Saturday, August 21, 2010

We're going to FYF Fest!... And so should you.

Hey all,

I know that this blog and this radio show tends to put itself out there for local musicians and local music, but we also tend to cover a (fairly decreasing, admittedly) decent amount of new and lo-fi indie rock from around the country.

Although this portion of the show might end up constituting even less of the show in the fall (once we re-write our program manifesto), myself and DJ Rigmarole do have a vested interest in upcoming and, dare I say, RISING indie rock.

That brings us to an event taking place in Los Angeles in just a few short weeks: FYF Fest


Once known as the not-safe-for-radio Fuck Yeah Fest, the FYF Fest has played host to numerous Rising Tide-friendly artists over it's 3+ year existence. Aside from bookings the likes of which seen above for this year's festival, they have featured the late JAY REATARD, NO AGE, DEERHUNTER, CRYSTAL ANTLERS, TIMES NEW VIKING, THE STRANGE BOYS, BLACK LIPS, FUCKED UP, and many, many more. Their festival in 2009 was actually construed as a means to help accrue funding to help save California's State Parks, and the organizers of this yearly event have also booked a variety of individual gigs for FYF Fest-related artists, as well as having helped put together the Matador at 21 festival taking place in Vegas later on this year.

We will be covering the event this year on behalf of KZSC, so make sure to check out the blog later on next month for a full write-up of our festival experience (with photos!) until then, here are my most anticipated acts to see at FYF Fest:

1. The Rapture (house offfff JEALOUS LOVERS SHAKE DOWNNNN)
2. Best Coast
3. Washed Out
4. The Mountain Goats
5. Delorean
6. Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti
7. Titus Andronicus
Abe Vigoda
Ted Leo & The Pharmacists
The Growlers

And maybe Rigmarole'll post hers too... Mebbe.

Peace out, see you in LA, and stay tuned for another blog sometime next week about Friday's guests!

- Lee B.


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