Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Zine of the Week (8 April 2011): Hot Topik

Looking for something to stare at as an alternative to skool and the monotony of life. Don't worry I have you covered on this one. Well, Matt Furie and Sam Gaskin have got you covered with an art zine full of t-shirt designs for "goth-rockers' who hang out around the mall.
Unfortunately, to all you zinesters and zine lovers, out there this zine costs money. On the bright side it's printed with soy based inks on 100% recycled paper meaning you'll have to shell out up to $5 depending on where you buy the zine. This zine is great to flip through and a lot of fun for ideas, if you and your friends ever get bored. Use it as a coffee table zine for your hip friends and their ironic mustaches, or buy it, burn it, cherish it, you can even stash it in the bathroom for guests with time on their hands.

If you make zines or want a zine of yours or a friends reviewed, e-mail devilsclawdistro@gmail.com


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